
Thanks a lot to my dear cousins Nicole and Asia for translating many my posts for me. I couldn't do this so precisely without u! :)

I also want to thank everyone, who took the photos of me on this blog: especially Daria, Kasia and my Mum. Let's not forget about Achim too, because he lent his beautiful handwriting to the title in the banner of the poster. I appreciate all that you've done for me :))

czwartek, 20 czerwca 2013


Dziś trochę letnich inspiracji, odszukanych niekiedy na czyiś blogach, a czasem w kampaniach reklamowych znanych marek lub przez zupełny przypadek na innych witrynach :) Enjoy!


Today some summer inspirations from other blogs, sometimes from famous fashion brands' advertising comopaigns or from accidental Webs :) Enjoy!